Filter Reference

The filter system generates a Symfony form, and with submitted data it creates a query which filters the results.


use Psi\Component\Grid\Metadata\Annotations as Grid;

 * @Grid\Grid(
 *     // ...
 *     filters={
 *         @Grid\Filter(name="active", type="boolean"),
 *         @Grid\Filter(name="foobar", field="", type="string", options={"comparators": { "contains" }),
 *         @Grid\Filter(name="email", type="string"),
 *     },
       // ...
 * )
class User
    // ...

In addition to options, each filter can specify which database field should act upon, in the above example we instruct the foobar column to use the field (a is the default alias of the class, in this case User::class).


Alias boolean
Applies When value is submitted.

Filter grid based on boolean value, provides a on / off choice.


  • None


Alias choice
Applies When submitted and choice is not empty.

Filter grid based on the field matching the value of the choice.


  • choices: Choices to use.
  • placeholder: Text to use for empty value.
  • expanded: If the form field should be expanded.
  • multiple: If multiple values should be allowed.


Alias date
Applies When the “apply” checkbox is checked.

Filter based on a date using a given comparator.


  • comparators: Array of comparators to expose (if only one is given, the choice will be implicit). Comparators should be one of the Comparison::* constants. Default: Comparison::EQUALS.


Alias number
Applies When submitted and non-empty.

Filter based on a date using a given comparator.


  • comparators: Array of comparators to expose (if only one is given, the choice will be implicit). Comparators should be one of the Comparison::* constants. Default: Comparison::EQUALS.


Alias string
Applies When submitted and non-empty.

Filter based on a date using a given comparator.


  • comparators: Array of comparators to expose (if only one is given, the choice will be implicit). Comparators should be one of the StringFilter::TYPE_* constants. Default: StringFilter::TYPE_EQUALS.