Action Reference ================ Actions are performed on selected records from the current page. In order to perform actions you need to call the ``performActionFromPostData`` method on the grid class. This method will return a response, with the number of records affected, any errors encountered and potentially a redirect: .. code-block:: php getMethod() === 'POST') { $actionResponse = $grid->performActionFromPostData($request->request->all()); if ($actionResponse->hasRedirect()) { return new RedirectResponse($this->urlGenerator->generate( $actionResponse->getRedirect(), $actionResponse->getRedirectParams() )); } if ($errors = $actionResponse->getErrors()) { $this->flashLogger->error('- ' . implode('- ' . PHP_EOL, $actionResponse->getErrors())); } $this->flashLogger->info(sprintf('%s fiche(s) affecté', $actionResponse->getAffectedRecordCount())); return new RedirectResponse($this->urlGenerator->generate( $request->attributes->get('_route'), $request->query->all() )); } DeleteAction ------------ +--------+----------------------------+ |Alias | ``delete`` | +--------+----------------------------+ Delete selected records. **Options**: *None*